Friday, November 26, 2010

Ray Kroc

this is from half way through cus i was late for class
 Once ray got his hands on the multi mixers any company that didnt have
it was slowley starting to go out of buisness because they could not keep up
They created a new menu from 25 items to 9 wich actually turn into a succsess
and they got new things to speed service up one being new burger cookers.
another being the fact that you could now order food your self (self serve)
Limited menu for a great price
do less but do it excellently more for less!
he seems to agree to the term cleansiness is next to godliness
All different ideas come from head offices and franchises
He fofilled his childhood dreams by owning a basball team well  not
the one he wasnted when he was a kid but still he got it he brought his enthusiasm
to the games and people loved it.
They threw him a glorious 80 bday party and at the beggining of the game
he drove around the stadium in a car and the fans loved it
He suffered a series of strokes because of to many greasy cheeseburgers in
his lifetime

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