Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Garage sales boys had a very descriptive slides
they had alot of cool stuff to purchase from them
Redline Performance got used car parts and sold them for a better price
Junked sold alot of cheaper stuff wich lead to them making lots of money
so there were great sales for them
Eggzima chickens were good didnt really make alot of money tho
Tylers buisness was a great idea and created a decent amount of revinue compared to ours
Acrillic nails was a good buisness to go into because it is very exspenisive a stores
Aluminate made 123 dollars wich is good revinue for just one sale
The Gutter Boys they cleaned gutters and power washed
Ben kipper coputar and car audio solutions is prtty self explanitorey haha
Style hand bags was aloso a great idea because like she said girls often spen alot of
time matching there bags to there shoes and this made that easier
Brandon did different errons for people and it could potentionally be a good buisness
Roses for a cause was a geat succsess with 714$
All in all this was a succsesful project

Question. Who is gonna be most succseful in the future.
  I think that Ben Kipper will be most succsesful because he has a strong buisness that has been going for a year or so already, and if he takes Mr. Ross's advice on buisness he could be very sucssesful in the future!

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