Tuesday, November 30, 2010

bobble head

He was very purswasive because they kept making him offers
His buisness had to do with selling bobble head people and
he did not get the money becuawe they figured going to the mall was a bad idea
Going to the mall would seem like a bad idea to me to becuase i can see alot
of people not being interested and it might become a low selling buisness
that will get bought out.

Monday, November 29, 2010

We are growing up in a world of marketing
Kids are uncontrolably spending our money
They hire people to go find trendsetters and cool kids and then
they find whats cool. MTV and Sprtie pop were joined togethere
becasuse people thought that that would make sprite cool but it was stupid and
unnessesery. Apperantly teen males were into stupid stuff years ago.
Advertistments show women off as sex toys and choclotes more than anything ellse
and it makes them look like they cant do anything else.
you gotta put your finger in the dam


Acronym for sardis

Wood shops
Metal shops
Baseball academy
Golf team
China exchange program
S.seek S.success. S.sardis O.over R.rest

Friday, November 26, 2010

Ray Kroc

this is from half way through cus i was late for class
 Once ray got his hands on the multi mixers any company that didnt have
it was slowley starting to go out of buisness because they could not keep up
They created a new menu from 25 items to 9 wich actually turn into a succsess
and they got new things to speed service up one being new burger cookers.
another being the fact that you could now order food your self (self serve)
Limited menu for a great price
do less but do it excellently more for less!
he seems to agree to the term cleansiness is next to godliness
All different ideas come from head offices and franchises
He fofilled his childhood dreams by owning a basball team well  not
the one he wasnted when he was a kid but still he got it he brought his enthusiasm
to the games and people loved it.
They threw him a glorious 80 bday party and at the beggining of the game
he drove around the stadium in a car and the fans loved it
He suffered a series of strokes because of to many greasy cheeseburgers in
his lifetime

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

He is a nice guy with good intentions but he is
 not being convicing enough for the sharks because
they are still not willing to give him money.
He is planning on taking the wrong dessicion i think because
if he chooses it it the shark get 75% of the company wich means he only
gets 25% of the company wich is a very little amount of money compared
to what he could have.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Garage sales boys had a very descriptive slides
they had alot of cool stuff to purchase from them
Redline Performance got used car parts and sold them for a better price
Junked sold alot of cheaper stuff wich lead to them making lots of money
so there were great sales for them
Eggzima chickens were good didnt really make alot of money tho
Tylers buisness was a great idea and created a decent amount of revinue compared to ours
Acrillic nails was a good buisness to go into because it is very exspenisive a stores
Aluminate made 123 dollars wich is good revinue for just one sale
The Gutter Boys they cleaned gutters and power washed
Ben kipper coputar and car audio solutions is prtty self explanitorey haha
Style hand bags was aloso a great idea because like she said girls often spen alot of
time matching there bags to there shoes and this made that easier
Brandon did different errons for people and it could potentionally be a good buisness
Roses for a cause was a geat succsess with 714$
All in all this was a succsesful project

Question. Who is gonna be most succseful in the future.
  I think that Ben Kipper will be most succsesful because he has a strong buisness that has been going for a year or so already, and if he takes Mr. Ross's advice on buisness he could be very sucssesful in the future!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pet peaves

1. Opening the bag of chips youve wanted all day upsidedown.
   Solution be careful when you open the bag
2.People driving extremely slow on the road.
   Honk at them everyonce and a while
3.It raining lots instead of snowing.
   Not much you can do
4.When your excited to do somthing and then you hurt yourself.
   Be extra careful

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Everything is broken

Credit cards are tricky and they try to make them seem like a really good deal
but in some case are not. He needs rogain haha.
Most of the money movie theaters make is off the food they sell not necceserally the tickests

Friday, November 5, 2010

He was involved in unsafe buisness practice.
wich got him and his friend in trouble with the press and
other business owners.
He started the Home Depot stores as a small store
but now has expanded and is located in lots of places.

Opening day wasnt good because there was alot of money going out
to things for the store and hiring people. But not much money coming
in so it wasnt much of an opening.
They had lots of wired traditions like when hiring a new person
they would get every employee and yell stuff at him and then
the home depot man came out wearing a suit and they were like yaaa

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fundimental succ

Never stop learning
never give up
find out your strengthe                        
never stop after failour take risks passion persevnie
know what you want
willing to fail tak ealways of free advice
hard work long road
dong do it for the money
be frugal stick to your goals
dont procrastonate
learn from mistakes use your network
us a ledger
do somthing you love
money is jusT THIN
have a back up plan dOOENIT

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

im secretly a woman

The hedghog concept is an idea from the Jim Collins book "Good to Great." It refers to how the top managers in a company take care of, and lead, the business. The hedgehog concept states that there are two ways that a top-level leader can direct the company: as a hedgehog or as a fox.
The idea for the hedgehog concept is drawn from the fable about the tortoise and the hare. In the story, the tortoise and the hare decide to have a race.

Jim trevelevy
He oppened up boston pizzas first franchize in penticton]
He lives in vancover and he likes it because of the openesss of it and the view

Arlene dickinso
She wheres the pants i nthe relationship
She was a single mom and understands some of the people
She was a good mother who cared lots about her kids
She became a sole owner

Robert Hertchivbac
He sold a 1000000 thousand dollar company when he was 20
He is hard on his people
He brought his daughter to his home town to see how grouwing uyp was he was a child
He didnt care about money
He was the most important guy to his uncle
They were all about family not money things
He says it doesnt matter who you know
You can do anything you want to and be anyone you want to be

I learned that even tho i dont know anyone famous and my parents arn't rich i can
still be a wealthy individual and buisness owner in the future.