Friday, January 14, 2011


What is a brand: A brand is the identify of a specific product, service, or business.
Standing out amid a massive chorus of competitors is a challenge for any company in today’s business climate. The number of offers and sales pitches one receives on a daily basis is simply staggering and increasingly ineffective. It’s no wonder, then, why businesses are seeking new and more effective ways of increasing the influence of their brand strategy in the marketplace.
To make a good brand you have to get the name out advertising however much you can, and you have to say good things about the brand of whatever your trying to sell. If you get a person to like a brand they will tell friends who will tell friends and on and on. Eventually youl have a popular brand. Also you have to have good prices or your brand will not sell becuase the majority of the world is poor or in the middle.

   A bad brand would have no advertising and people will no talk about it. A bad brand usually will be cheap and bad qaulity or it will be to expensive and noone will buy it.

So over all advertising is the main way to start a good brad, then let the people do the talking!

An example of a good selling popular brand his honey nut cherrios. Lots of people buy them there all over tv and there healthy or you wich is one of the main reasons people buy what they do these days.

An example of a bad brand is blind skateboards they are very cheaply made and not sold very often
there advertising is bad and there just all around cheap plasticy skatboards.

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