Friday, December 10, 2010

They named their first son Conrad.
They barttered for gold nuggets wich were very valuable at the time
and they were gonna need some extra income for there new son so its
a good thing that they had gold nuggest there. Gold nuggets were
little nuggets of gold and were very exspensive.
He was succseful
but conrad and his father often clashed so they struggled to make it work
but in his heart he knew his father would never treat him
like an equal partner. So he new he had to branch off and start his own stuff,
because he had to do it his own way because his dad was tying him down
and not letting him fully expand his skills in the work / buisness area.
He never develped great skill sin the language in france but he was one with
the ladys and they loved him as he loved her.
He thought he was gonna be a banker
but it turns out he went into the hotel buisness he wasnt in a straight line
which in someways can be better because new things open up to even more journeys and ideas.
His fathers general store was none as the man who bought the Walton's.
 His son Hilton Jr married the 18 year old beauty from where she was from
The 2 divorced after 2 months. This didn't bother there family business wise.
Hilton decided that the airplane travel industry had been untouched by others like him
so he dove into that and combined airports with hotels and he put hotels where the plains
dropped them off at whatever part of the world they were traveling to.

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