Friday, December 17, 2010

Martha Stewart

She used food as art and made delicous masterpeices.
Martha had many siblings and she was older than all of them.
She would be busy experamening things in th kitchen with her mom
that develped her type of character she is today always learning.
She was a wiz and specially excelled at art all her teachers like her
bhecause she was smart and friendly and hada good personallity.
She was polish so she was dope becaue im polish to.
She was a great.
She got a divorce wich wasnt good and slowed her down in her personal life.
Her private life get making the media and idk if she liked that or not but she sstill
had lots of publicity and thats always good cus she probl wanted her name to be out there and still be on top.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Famous Entrepreneurs

Donald Trump he has made most of his money in the last 20 years, his fathers his mentor.

Richard Branson he always treated people right and tried giving them the best deals his mentor was his mother she always kept him motivated and moving forward.

Herb Kellehers great succsess in school was a great start to his entrepreneurial starting point.

Anderew Rockefeller had a great accountant who was also a good friend this helped him become who he is today.

Friday, December 10, 2010

They named their first son Conrad.
They barttered for gold nuggets wich were very valuable at the time
and they were gonna need some extra income for there new son so its
a good thing that they had gold nuggest there. Gold nuggets were
little nuggets of gold and were very exspensive.
He was succseful
but conrad and his father often clashed so they struggled to make it work
but in his heart he knew his father would never treat him
like an equal partner. So he new he had to branch off and start his own stuff,
because he had to do it his own way because his dad was tying him down
and not letting him fully expand his skills in the work / buisness area.
He never develped great skill sin the language in france but he was one with
the ladys and they loved him as he loved her.
He thought he was gonna be a banker
but it turns out he went into the hotel buisness he wasnt in a straight line
which in someways can be better because new things open up to even more journeys and ideas.
His fathers general store was none as the man who bought the Walton's.
 His son Hilton Jr married the 18 year old beauty from where she was from
The 2 divorced after 2 months. This didn't bother there family business wise.
Hilton decided that the airplane travel industry had been untouched by others like him
so he dove into that and combined airports with hotels and he put hotels where the plains
dropped them off at whatever part of the world they were traveling to.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Grand conyon University

He wrote a book on owning a university but he had never in fact
been to university. Thats the ironic part, people thought that it was crazy
and that he was a on crack again but he had it thought out that it was a good idea!
Many schools are not meeting the marketing demand.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pork Barrell

Everyone is out because they have a bad evaluation
wich  i think its important to have agood evaluation.
Except for the lady who made a great offer for 50 grand for 50%
wich i think is a very bad deal and i would not except that. They
are willing to invest 100 Gs into the buisness so i dont see why they wouldnt
use that money and have the buisness fully as there own.
The people with the headphone saver was not a very
important device i think because you can just wrap the wire around the phone
or ipod for free.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mr Gesbrecht

He likes to run to stay in shape, he says to himself when he gets tried
of running suck it up Levi your investing. He uses that as motivation to not stop
running.I think its important that everyone finds there own different motivations for
whatever your trying to do.
A very important part of being and entrepreneur is having to ability of creating somthing from nothing.
There are many sacrifices you have to make like losing friends or not hanging out with them.
You have to start thinking ahead.
There is no prerecisit for being an entreprener its a good idea to go to further into school and
is helpful but is not necessary.
Dont do somithng you dont like find somthing that you do like.
You learn alot from reading books says Mr Gesbrecht.
Spa utopia is a people loving buisness, they are really popular for giving out gift certificats for christmas and other days.
He said that one christmas they had about 20000 gift cards sold!
Find ways to have fun in your workplace!
Sometimes you have to swollow your pride and forget about it.
Become finacially literate.