Thursday, October 28, 2010

 Jason went into the Envision Bank Union
 and had a some struggles but came
along good in the end.
He says you will run into most people you
meet in highschool somewhere down the road.
He said were lucky to grow up in such a
big town because theres so many people.

Jack Nicklaus
Ranked the worlds number 1 golfer from 1968 to 1977.
When asked about hi secret is he said before every shot i got to the movies
We rarely go somewhere taht we havnet already been fiirst in or imagination
Most significant accomplishments are riddled with obstacles struggles and failures
People who aim at nothing are forsure gonna hit the target
Compunding interest

Time can work for or againset you
The key to getting ahead is to star ASAP
M current goal is to have a great weekend
Relationship goal meet a hot girlfriend
Education goal graduate
Dream goal to make megan fox my bitch

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