Thursday, October 28, 2010

 Jason went into the Envision Bank Union
 and had a some struggles but came
along good in the end.
He says you will run into most people you
meet in highschool somewhere down the road.
He said were lucky to grow up in such a
big town because theres so many people.

Jack Nicklaus
Ranked the worlds number 1 golfer from 1968 to 1977.
When asked about hi secret is he said before every shot i got to the movies
We rarely go somewhere taht we havnet already been fiirst in or imagination
Most significant accomplishments are riddled with obstacles struggles and failures
People who aim at nothing are forsure gonna hit the target
Compunding interest

Time can work for or againset you
The key to getting ahead is to star ASAP
M current goal is to have a great weekend
Relationship goal meet a hot girlfriend
Education goal graduate
Dream goal to make megan fox my bitch

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What can we do to personalize our education

We can have a skateboarding elective so we can become peofessional skateboards and bust mad tricks.
We should have karati classes and school and make it funner to learn!

We need to change our education

hes a funny guy
and he loves his kids
he is interested in education
If your not pre[pared to be wrong youl never come up woth anyhting original
He disagrees with the school prgams and systems they have now
 He does most of the cooking
he says women are better multi taskers because of
somthing in thee brains
he cannpot be disturebed when he cooks
her little girl danDCThe kids our are future
and we neet to teach them what to do with it
how to do with it and how to keep it safe and protect the environment

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Importance of being frugal

He was popular with the ladies and was a football star
He had to evict people and do forclosures andhe saw how sad they were so he decided to start saving his money so he would never be that person

Working around the clock he achieved his dream and got the store
He was good at noticing others strengths and had good ideas

He left his breafcase ever Higher volumes allowed him to negotiate even lower purchase prices with the wholesaler on subsequent purchases. Walton's store led in sales and profits in the Butler Brothers' six-state region. One factor that made this store successful was its central location, making it accessible to a wide range of customers. In an attempt to limit the expansion of his main competitor, the Sterling Store, Walton leased a nearby Kroger store and opened it in 1950 as the "Eagle" department store, but it didn't fare as well.
When Walton bought the franchise from the previous owner in 1945, the store was doing $72,000 in sales annually. By 1950, the store was doing $250,000 in sales annually, due to Walton's ideas and practices.
Because of the variety store's enormous success, the landlord, P.K. Holmes, refused to renew the lease when it expired, desiring to pass the store onto his son. The lack of a renewal option, together with the outrageous rent of 5% of sales, were early business lessons to Walton. Despite forcing Walton out, Holmes bought the store's inventory and fixtures for $50,000, which Walton called "a fair price".[5]


This ol boy is gonna be rich

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bad Service Experiance

I was treated bad at a golf course with two of my buddys, we sat at a table for over 20 minutes before anyone came over to ask us for our order. Then we waited atleast another 20 mins before we got it
We figured it was because we weren't old and wise like the others there.
They should have responded by them coming over to our table when we sat down even if we did look like skids, its just nice manners and good service. She also could have acted nice when she finnally came over

Thursday, October 14, 2010


1. Hard work. You have to find a passion because it will make your job more of a joy than boring jobs.
2.Stay possative./
3. Dont give up.
4. Listen.
4. hour time rule.
5.Technology systems.
6. Customer loyalty.
7.learn to sell.
8.Try to help.
11.Surround yourself with good people.
12.Family and friends.
13.count your blessings.
His dad was his main mentor.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

top 100 employers Canada

1. Trican Well Services
  • manages a generous tuition subsidy program that covers the full cost of tuition for employees completing an engineering degree or diploma
  • is an industry leader that provides generous parental leave top-up benefits to new mothers (to 100% for 52 weeks), as well as new fathers and adoptive parents (to 100% for 36 weeks)
  • provides referral bonuses (to $1000) for employees who successfully recruit new employees
  • offers alternative work options, including flexible hours and telecommuting, and helps older employees make the transition to retirement through a phased-in retirement leave program
  • provides a number of great financial benefits, including, preferred rates on mortgages and personal loans, profit sharing and matching RSP contributions (to 5% of salary)
  • Trican's financial benefits are rated as above-average. To keep salaries competitive the company participates in outside salary surveys every 12 months. Individual salaries are reviewed every 12 months. In addition to competitive compensation, Trican also provides new employee referral bonuses (to $1,000 for some positions); share-purchase plan for all employees; profit-sharing plan for all employees; matching RSP contributions (up to 5% of salary); life & disability insurance; discounts on home computers; discounts on a Costco membership; preferred rates for mortgages and personal loans with RBC; preferred pricing at the Brick furniture stores, and GM and Ford auto dealerships
NB power holding Corporation

  • provides maternity leave top-up payments (to 93% of salary for 15 weeks) for new and adoptive mothers

  • the head office features an onsite daycare facility, with over 40 available spaces, for employees with pre-school children

  • supports ongoing employee education through a variety of in-house training initiatives as well as tuition subsidies for courses at outside institutions, with no annual maximum

  • provides a flexible health benefits plan so employees can customize the coverage to suit their needs

  • has an employee lounge with music, television and a Wii system to promote a little physical activity during the day

  • provides peace-of-mind for employees nearing retirement through a defined benefit pension plan

  • NB Power's financial benefits are rated as very good. To keep salaries competitive the company participates in outside salary surveys every 12 months. Individual salaries are reviewed every 12 months. In addition to competitive compensation, the company also provides defined benefit pension plan; matching RSP contributions; life & disability insurance; (The matching RSP plan is available for seasonal unionized employees that are not eligible for the defined benefit pension plan).
     BC public service

  • offers an incredible range of career opportunities across the province, and helps employees build their careers through in-house and online training, mentoring and tuition subsidies

  • encourages recent graduates to work at the organization by forgiving up one-third of their total BC student loan amount after each year of employment

  • supports alternative work options, including telecommuting, reduced summer hours, variable scheduling and a 35-hour work week (with full pay)

  • offers maternity leave top-up payments for new mothers (up to 52 weeks) as well as fathers and adoptive parents (to 35 weeks)

  • has onsite daycare centres operating at some of locations across the province

  • helps employees with older children through a program that offers 60 academic scholarships to children of employees pursuing post-secondary studies

  • supports employees volunteering at the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games with a program that will grant up to 15 days away from work, with one week fully paid

  • Friday, October 8, 2010

    David Thomas

    He was adopted and got ideas from other resturants
    he would make several hundred sandwiches on the night shift\
    he had negative motivation from his dad and wanted to prove him otherwise
    He tried baking but he failed at that
    He was a better cook than a father
    He regrets not going throught with highschool
    so he went back to graduate it and get his deploma

    I was finishing a math test so i showed up late having not many notes.

    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    Mike Kind

    in 2008 buisness came to a grinding hult.

    They came out with an esscalationg scale for morgages
    Dont only focuss on canada and the states look at other countrys buisness whys.
    Good Websites
    Seven most important things on to focuss your minds on
    1.Fear of failure.
    2.Keep your eyes wide open!
    3.Copy cat.
    4.Circle of influence
    5.Never give up
    6.Never stop learning

    Tuesday, October 5, 2010

    Money out of nothing

    JCL golfballs swam into ponds at the golf courses and got around 200 balls.

    Car Wash and Lawn Cutting did what it is in the title and made 80$

    Auto Expo: there idea was to rent a peice of a car and put there adds on them.

    Wully Shirts And Pants: they sold clothes

    Scratch and Sniff walked dogs.

    Green Enterprises: made 785$ doing computer work and selling coffee and muffins.

    Monday, October 4, 2010


    What do I like to do?
    I like to skateboard snowboard an beer pong.
    What am i good at?
    Pilsner and socializing
    What market need do I see.
    cheaper prices more happy people.
     I could become a professional skateboarder.
    Or snowboarder and i can only get better at beer pong.
    i could make an internet site ment for socializing.