Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Richard Branson owner of multi buisness's and multi billionare was a major risk taker. One way being that he jumped out of a hot air balloon when he was a multi buisness owner

He is a very succesful man being that he is rich and that he started off with nothing.

He is a great man beacuse he finds time to be with his children
and he also cares about the enivironmental problems like gloabal warming and is aware of it unlike some rich people may be.

He is very smart because he targets the buisnesses that need repair and have bad service and makes them highclass buisnesses making lots of money.
He is an excellent entrepreneur and i hope to be someday!

1. How you treat others counts.
2Courage:willingness to put yourself at risk.
3.Value added.
4.Leap into the unkown.
5.Willing to serve others
6.Calculated risk.
7.Everything is negotiable.

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