Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kelly Johnston

His entrepreneurship correer started with a small goal his dad made for him and as he got older he learned from that to adavance your goals for bigger succsess and reward.
Be your own boss and live you life the way it should be lived.
There's no one putting a price on you!Your as much as you make yourself
focus on the what, not the how its going to happen.
Always be focused otherwise oppertunitys will fly by you without you noticing it.
 Do somthing you want to because of your wants, not all for money.
Surround yourself with key poeple
it is to be a win win becyuawe if n9one guy looseds h e may not be there next time you need him

Excersize from presenter.
A year from now i would like to have a nice car
A year from now i would like to see

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Young entrepreneurship

Special Report October 30, 2006, 1:21PM EST text size: TT

Young, Fearless, and Smart

More and more young people are looking for startup success across the U.S. They've got their feet on the ground and some great ideas

Click here to find out more!
The success of the entrepreneurs behind Digg, YouTube, and Facebook is undoubtedly inspiring a growing group of young, energetic, and self-reliant hopefuls. Although many of them were in middle school during the dot-com boom, Generation Y'ers are seeing upstart companies worth big bucks for the second time in their lives and are increasingly willing to gamble that their startups will fly

Friday, September 24, 2010

The rockefeller family
the fortune he made is the fortune he saved.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Every problem is an opportunity for a creative solution.

1.Open your eyes to problems and creative solutions 2.Intersection of your skills market need and passion
3.Willing to fail make a resume of failures
4.Build  relationships for the long term
5.Prioritize and reevaluate constantly
6.Teams make everyone else succesful. The more you give the more you get!
7.Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous! Do my BEST work Now!
8.You control your attitude.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Discerning is to show good judgment and good taste
 A discering person will often be very knowledgeable
and will have alot of facts to provide. Discering people
have the ability to acces there surroundings wich is a
great skill. I want to be a discerning person in the future!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Richard Branson owner of multi buisness's and multi billionare was a major risk taker. One way being that he jumped out of a hot air balloon when he was a multi buisness owner

He is a very succesful man being that he is rich and that he started off with nothing.

He is a great man beacuse he finds time to be with his children
and he also cares about the enivironmental problems like gloabal warming and is aware of it unlike some rich people may be.

He is very smart because he targets the buisnesses that need repair and have bad service and makes them highclass buisnesses making lots of money.
He is an excellent entrepreneur and i hope to be someday!

1. How you treat others counts.
2Courage:willingness to put yourself at risk.
3.Value added.
4.Leap into the unkown.
5.Willing to serve others
6.Calculated risk.
7.Everything is negotiable.

Monday, September 13, 2010

who am I?

I think i am a humerous person because i like pretty much any sense of humour.
I can be self dependant but i dont like to be id rather go with the flow of the croud.
posativity: because i am usually posative and try to make others happy.
strategic:because i always have a plan.
inventive: because I usually try to find ways to make things better.
 Artisans are the temperament with a natural ability to excel in any of the arts, not only the fine arts such as painting and sculpting, or the performing arts such as music, theater, and dance, but also the athletic, military, political, mechanical, and industrial arts, as well as the "art of the deal" in business.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Risk: risk is taking a chance even if the odds are against you. Taking a risk can lead to a higher reward but you could also fail, thus taking a risk?

so what: If you take a risk you could become a rich man or poor.

now what: After the discussion i decided im going to be a risk taker and hope it pays off!